Competitive Runner

Katie is a 20-year-old competitive runner from Dublin. Due to an aggressive form of epilepsy, she experiences up to 14 seizures a day. Despite her condition, Katie hasn’t let anything stand in the way of her love for running. With the help of her neurologist, who doubles as her running partner, Katie is never steered off course. With each seizure, she is able to bounce back and keep on going. She has been diagnosed since she was 9 years old, with 2 types. She has gone from a wheelchair to running shoes. Every day can be interesting but every day she picks up her running shoes and lives the day to the fullest. Most the rime she trains alone but for her big races she runs with her neurologist who is also her running partner. She doesn’t let anything get in her way of living life. A great plan put together a support group made of doctors loved ones and a team. A great diet and a exercise plan. Goals set and achieved.

With over 40 different kinds of epilepsy out there its not uncommon for people to be diagnosed with more than one type. For those who have no idea what it is however it is very common for people to assume to call 911 or jump to the worst conclusion of what epilepsy is. The simple word “epilepsy” when googled or just read looks scary. When seen having an Convulsive attack looks SCARY which IT IS but most do not know what to do or how long to wait or anything about it except what it looks like.

Click the Link below Please and watch to know what to do if you witness a seizure and have have the Knowledge of what to do Thank You.

Please continue Sending me your story’s to share with others. Even if you do not think your story is worth sharing you’d be surprised you can inspire. Love to hear from anyone including the friends, doctors, loved ones, anyone from any point of view. Please leave a comment send me a email by pushing the contact button to send me an email. Lets share with the world how Strong we are all together. WE do not know how strong we are until is the only choice we have Epilepsy Awareness.

Dublin Ireland-thank you Google

The Journey Begins

Thanks for joining me! Please keep an open mind and share your story’s just send me a message and I can keep your name anonymous, change your name, or share your name. We are here to share our story’s of strength and let everyone be more aware of what is strength. Even when we feel we are at our weakest we have many others who are here to support us. This blog is a way to support others all over the world, and share what is just one of the many disabilities that isnt seen at first glance on an every day basis. Also there will be information that not everyone knows and can learn from. As well as other information. So please feel free to send a message, share your story. This is for those with and those who are family and friends supporting their loved ones. We are all living together supporting one another.

Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. — Izaak Walton
